Torres del Paine wildlife

Torres Del Paine is one of the most important tourist areas of the country. Many visit this National Park for hiking, others instead, come to observe the fauna of Chile that lives in the Eighth Wonder of the World. If you want to know where to find a culpeo fox, a huemul or a puma in the park, we invite you to read this guide.
This National Park is one of the tourist areas that attract travelers to our country. Some want to see with their own eyes one of the most imposing Chilean natural monuments, such as the Towers of this so-called eighth wonder of the world. And although Lake Pehoe, and other landscapes of Torres Del Paine is the target of many, there are also those who go into the park to learn more about the flora and fauna of Chile.
120 types of birds, 250 types of plants and 25 mammals, constitute a unique flora and fauna in the world that includes native species and in danger of extinction. These are some of the most sought after by nature observers and photographers.
Puma or mountain lion (Puma concolor)
This elegant cat is one of the largest mammals in America, and although it avoids humans, it is a territorial animal, so it can be dangerous. Torres Del Paine is one of the best places in the country to find it, especially in the triangle formed by the entrances of Laguna Amarga, Lago Sarmiento and Lago Pehoé.
If you see one up close and you feel that you are in danger, it is recommended to step back slowly, be taller and more intimidating, and never lean or turn your back on them.
Huemul (Hippocamelusbisulcus)
Declarado monumento Natural de Chile y Argentina, este ciervo en peligro de extinción, habita en zonas cordilleranas de ambos países, evitando el contacto con los humanos y sus asentamientos. Es muy difícil de divisar, pues aunque anda en grupos pequeños, su color café lo hace mimetizarse muy bien con la vegetación de la zona, pero puedes intentarlo cerca del sector oeste de parque.
Zorro Gris o Chilla (Canisgriseus)
This species of fox, 50 cm long and 5 kg in weight on average, has a gray color with yellow spots. It inhabits all of Chile, including Chilean Patagonia, as well as Argentina and Uruguay. In the park you can see it in the sectors of Laguna Azul, Sarmiento and Lago Nordenskjöld.
Zorro Culpeo (Canisculpaeus)
The reddish color of his head and legs has given him the name of red fox. This carnivore walks through the areas of Gray, camping Pehoé and near the park administration.
Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
This camelid with reddish fur and white spots is one of the mammals that can be seen more inside the park, although its favorite areas are Laguna Amarga, Lago Azul and Lago Sarmiento.
Chingue (Conepactus chinga)
This is the famous skunk, that animal that exudes a strong smell as a defense mechanism. Solitary and omnivorous feeding measures approximately 70 cm long and can be seen in the sectors of Laguna Amarga, Sarmiento and Azul.
Condor (Vulturgryphus)
It accompanies the huemul in the National Shield of Chile, and although it is one of the most important birds in Chile, it also represents the Cordillera de los Andes in Bolivia, Argentina and Peru. It can exceed 3 meters wide with open wings and fly at 7,000 meters, so to see it up close a good viewpoint is recommended.
Ñandú (Rhea Americana)
Very similar to the African ostrich, the rhea is one of the most impressive birds that can be seen in the park. It is one of the fastest land animals in the world, reaching 80 km per hour in a straight line. It moves in groups through the pampas of the park, where they can be observed preferably, from afar.
Credits: Carolina Lamatta M. -